for coming to my SECOND online exhibition!
It's spring time! The air is filled with promises, everyone and everything seems to be coming out from their hiding places.
Some are migrating back to these shores to make sure not to miss this joyful event to prepare for summer. I'm one of them and I love spring, sometimes I get two a year.
I love growing plants from seeds and watch them morph from one stage to another. At any stage, they look beautiful and aesthetic. Sometimes the process is full of surprises, since I haven't watched them all grow from seeds - yet.
Then there are plants I watch for years growing like trees we have planted. In spring they go through their most change each year. Every year more flowers blooming, the promise of sweet fruits and happy bellies.
And then there are all the critters!
Just now when I stopped to catch my thought, I looked to the right out the window, a bumble bee is hopping excited from one lavender flower to another!
I love nature so much.
I always looked close at plants and loved to dive into the micro world of nature.
In the last years my garden became my main world and now I realised even or because when I go travelling the world, after, I can't wait to immerse myself in this peaceful world and endless inspiration.
I tried to capture some peace, content and joy, I feel comes from all flora and fauna surrounding me.
Coming back from travels, I don't take this living and the content lasting feeling it gives for granted. My hope is, everyone gets at least once the chance to experience this feeling of inner true content I seem to get from nature.
A short video with some glimpses how these new pieces got created. A long version will be coming next on my patreon page.
I have written following line in my last & first online exhibition, it couldn't be more relevant: it doesn't happen often! The last time I had the time to create a whole series is already a year ago! About time.
'It doesn't happen often but it is my ideal way of creating a series of artwork, to work on several pieces at the same time. I feel a series of work becomes then a whole when it is created with the same mood of time.'
Spring Stories
11 pieces inspired by New Zealand spring.
Can you feel or hear the joy of spring? Everything is better, the sounds, the colours, like they all got the same brief: to create beauty, happiness and satisfaction!
There are still some windy cold days but the hope for warmer times is expressed by everyone: crawling critters, bumble bees and first reds popping up, look at me I'm a raspberry !
Most colours are still soft, the greens are healthy, the peak is still ahead of us. Joyful anticipation, maybe the best joy, this phase will pass too, a piece of art as a moment, at last, of ever lasting pleasure.
... please enjoy
( click on artwork image to enlarge slideshow )
... please enjoy.
title 'So pleased'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on recycled paper
dimensions frame 14 x 14 cm/
artwork 7.5 x 7.5 cm
title 'The Lightness of Spring'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on handmade recycled paper
dimensions frame 17 x 17 cm/
artwork 11.5 x 11.5 cm
title 'Mutual Respect'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on handmade recycled paper
dimensions frame 11.5 x 11.5 cm /
artwork 6 x 6.5 cm
title 'All the critters are out & about
- even a Helicopter-Butterfly!'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on handmade recycled paper
dimensions frame 14.5 x 14.5 cm/
artwork 7.5 x 9 cm
title 'Sunsets are getting warmer too'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on handmade recycled paper
dimensions frame 11.5 x 11.5 cm/
artwork 8 x 8 cm
title 'At last a calm day in the harbour'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink pastel on fine art 100% cotton paper
dimensions frame 17 x 17 cm / artwork 10.5 x 11 cm
title 'An Encounter one of a kind'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on fine art 100% cotton paper
dimensions frame 14 x 14 cm /
artwork 8.5 x 8.5 cm
title 'An insecure Kingfisher'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on handmade recycled paper
dimensions frame 11.5 x 11.5 cm / artwork 6 x 7 cm
title 'Everyone admires the other'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on fine art 100% cotton paper
dimensions frame 11.5 x 11.5 cm /
artwork 8 x 8.5 cm
title 'Just two Helicopter-Butterflies seen doing their dance'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on fine art 100% cotton paper
dimensions frame 17 x 17 cm /
artwork 10.5 x 11 cm
title 'Spring Findings'
media pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink pigment liner, acrylic paint & ink, pastel on fine art 100% cotton paper
dimensions frame 14 x 14 cm /
artwork 8.5 x 8.5 cm
so much for coming !